Bethel Park approves residential development near Cool Springs

Bethel Park council granted approval to build a small neighborhood of carriage homes near the Cool Springs Sports Complex along Baptist Road at its meeting Sept. 14.
The 23 town homes are part of a larger development at the Cool Springs property. Council approved plans to build an assisted living facility for senior citizens last month. A small retail center may also be built nearby.
The proposed developments are partly on a 16-acre parcel that Bethel Park sold to Penn Cove Group, the owners of Cool Springs, in 2013. Including Cool Springs’ golf driving range and indoor sports facility, the property spans about 55 acres.
Construction could start as early as spring 2016 and it will take over a year to complete.
The municipal planning commission had earlier approved plans for both the assisted living facility and carriage homes development.
In another matter, council was slated to hire four new police officers to replace retiring officers, but action on those personnel moves was postponed. Municipal officials continue to interview prospective candidates for the open positions.