Upper St. Clair High School hosts first STARS event
It’s not often that the stars come out in the morning, but special needs students from school districts across Southwestern Pennsylvania met at Upper St. Clair High School on March 31 for a STARS partnership program.
STARS – Schools Together with Athletes Reaching Success – provides meaningful activities for students with and without physical and intellectual disabilities to collaborate, create and participate in activities that enrich the school curriculum.
USC hosted its first STARS event, Put Your Best Foot Forward, as athletes were placed on competitive and non-competitive teams with their regular education partners for support and friendship. The event featured outdoor soccer and kickball games, as well as indoor skill-building games and activities.
Upper St. Clair life skills students and their partners lined the entrance of the high school athletic wing, clapping and cheering as each group of athletes entered the building.
In addition to USC, students from Avonworth, Baldwin, Belle Vernon, Elizabeth Forward, Montour, Moon, Mt. Lebanon, Peters Township, South Allegheny, South Fayette and Washington high schools participated in the event.
Organizing the event as his Eagle Scout project was USC junior Jay Pollock, who was assisted by Eric Lehman, also a junior.
Pollock, a member of Boy Scout Troop 366, explained that he has participated in Partners in PE, a gym class that includes special needs students, for the past two years. Not long after Pollock attended a STARS volleyball program, Upper St. Clair physical education teacher Timothy Robbins mentioned to the class that he would like to see USC host a soccer event. Pollock thought it would be a great Eagle Scout project.
Pollock approached Lehman, a member of the soccer team, about the idea. After developing a general outline, they presented their plans to school administrators, special education teachers and physical education teachers. Pollock and Lehman also recruited volunteers and organized the day’s activities.
With more than 100 athletes in attendance, along with their student partners and adults, it was an enthusiastic group.
David Mucha, a special needs student from Avonworth, expressed the sentiments of most participants: “I’m having a fun time.”
“The turnout was fantastic,” said Pollock, adding that everything went as well as he expected, if not better.
Upper St. Clair special education department head Michelle Zirngibl commented, “I am so proud of our high school kids. They are an awesome group!”
Lyn Mulroy, high school special education teacher, said that the STARS partnership program has grown out of the Partners in PE group, with more than 20 school districts throughout the region involved. STARS coordinates interscholastic opportunities where all students can compete, participate in, and build friendships through athletic and social events.
Pollock said he would love to do an event again next year.
“I loved walking around and seeing the huge smiles on everyone’s faces,” said Pollock. “It made my day.”