Denis Theatre Foundation reaches fundraising goal

As the time approached for the ball to drop in Times Square, donors stepped up to give the Denis Theatre Foundation a substantial financial boost.
“They responded really well,” Dr. Betty Jo Hirschfield Louik, who chairs the foundation’s fundraising efforts, said about the 277 contributors toward reaching the latest goal. “They want to see this. We heard that loud and clear.”
Plans to renovate the nearly 80-year-old Mt. Lebanon theater can progress with $460,000 more in the coffers. An anonymous donor pledged $145,000 if the foundation raised $290,000 by midnight Dec. 31, and the Stern Family Foundation augmented the total with an additional $25,000.
Alan Trivilino, chairman of the Denis Theatre board, said he is “heartened by the depth and breadth of community involvement, from all corners of the South Hills and beyond, to underscore their belief in the need for the Denis to return in its new, improved version.”
The Denis will be the only multiscreen independent theater south of the city in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area, and it will offer educational and informative programs along with entertainment.
“That is really the trend now,” Louik explained. “Community theaters are doing very well. We know the model works, and it is becoming more and more popular.”
During 2016, the foundation will continue to pursue grants and government sponsorships while finalizing design plans and putting the project out for bid.
“The Denis will be a beacon and destination on Mt. Lebanon’s main street,” Louik said. “As a business owner, I know that our retail and dining district is vibrant, and the Denis will add a unique layer and reason to come to the neighborhood. I am thrilled that the community responded in such an inspiring way, and I look forward to the culmination of our collective efforts.”
For information on helping the cause, visit