Seniors: Week of Jan. 13
Register by Jan. 15 for Mt. Lebanon Recreation’s senior brunch and movie matinee, sponsored by Star Partners and set for Jan. 19 at Mt. Lebanon Rec Center, 2nd floor, Room A, for all seniors and their adult guests (Mt. Lebanon residency not required).
Check-in is at 10:30 a.m. in the Rec office. There will be wellness speakers at 11, a brunch at noon followed by a 50/50 raffle and a movie at 1 p.m. on the big screen. Fee is $6/person if registering by the deadline. The fee after Jan. 15 will be $8. Preregister. For more information, call 412-343-3409.
The Adult Interest Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church, Mt. Lebanon, offers entertainment, information, fellowship and a meal for active, older adults in the South Hills. Programs are held at 11 a.m. Fridays through June, and are free and open to all. Lunch is served at noon for $6. No reservations are necessary. The following programs are planned for the month of January:
• Singer Steve Tori returns Jan. 15 with favorite oldies and romantic classics.
• Get Organized for Good: Reducing Clutter to Live a Simpler Life, Jan. 22. If your New Year’s resolution is to get organized, this interactive presentation will provide you with step-by-step decluttering and organizing instruction, including information on Pittsburgh resources for recycling, selling and donating your household items.
• Great Music in a Great Space, Jan. 29. Come to see the recent renovations to Southminster’s sanctuary and hear the newly-refurbished organ expertly played by Southminster’s minister of music, Rich Pinkerton.
For more information, call AIC Director Carla Campbell at 412-343-8900.
Seniors lunch
Chabad of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, will hold a seniors lunch at noon on Jan. 19, featuring a special video presentation of first-hand stories from the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Force. Suggested donation is $5; wheelchair accessible. For more information, call 412-278-2658.
Chair exercises
Chair Exercises for Seniors takes place at Scott Township Library 11 a.m.-noon Tuesdays. A DVD-directed program to promote flexibility, strength and balance. Space is limited. Preregister online or by phone at or 412-429-5380.
Fitness classes
Westminster Recreation and Outreach Center (WROC), Upper St. Clair, will offer the following fitness classes for seniors age 55+:
• Pilates Flow, 8-9 a.m. Mondays, through April 25.
• Gentle Yoga Evening Class, 6-7 p.m. Mondays, through Feb. 15
• Cardio Strength Fusion, 8-9 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays, through April 27
• Gentle Yoga Morning Class, 10:15-11:15 a.m. Wednesdays, through Feb. 17
• Strong Bodies – Strong Bones, 10-10:50 a.m. Jan. 25-Feb. 29. Exercise physiologist Anne Brucker will present a gentle, joint-friendly OsteoDynamic program that strengthens the spine, rebuilds bone, teaches balance and reduces fractures.
• Arthritis Foundation Exercise, 11:15-noon Tuesdays, Jan. 26-March 1
• Tai Chi, 12:15-1 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 26-March 1
For more information or to register, visit
Better health workshops
Older adults age 60 and over are invited to join a free six-week workshop titled “Better Choices, Better Health” from 2-4:30 p.m. Mondays, Feb. 8-March 14 at the South Hills Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh, located on Kane Boulevard in Scott. This informative, fun and interactive self-management workshop, developed by Stanford University, is for older adults with ongoing, chronic health issues. All workshop participants receive the companion book “Living a Healthy Life with a Chronic Condition” as a graduation gift. Light refreshments will be provided throughout, with a graduation celebration at the end. For more information and to register, contact Elaine Cappucci at 412-446-4773 or