Upper St. Clair reviews parks and rec plan

During the Feb. 29 agenda meeting, Upper St. Clair commissioners heard recommendations for the township’s 2016 parks and recreation plan.
Carolyn Yagle of Environmental Planning and Design described the planning for the municipality’s parks, recreation and open spaces. The five pillars used for planning were people first, sound decisions, built to last, extra effort and clear communication.
Yagle presented a number of planning actions, including collaborating with community development and developers in improvement of open space and connectivity, conducting a feasibility study for the McLaughlin Run Activity Center, upgrading pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and furthering partnerships with the public and private facilities to optimize joint-use agreements and develop mutually beneficial facilities.
The parks and recreation committee of the board of commissioners is to review the 2016 parks and recreation plan and make recommendations about the proposal. The board is expected to vote on the plan at its April meeting.
In other business, finance director Mark Romito reviewed proposed fee changes, including increasing the fee to transfer a liquor license from $500 to $750. Also proposed were fees for use of the library’s 3D printer, specifically a $3 set-up fee and a fee of $1 per hour of use. The board is expected to vote on the fees at the March 7 meeting.
Also reviewed was the low bid for the township’s 2016 street improvement program. The low bidder was El Grande Industries, with a total cost for road resurfacing and an add alternate for paving the Morton Sports Complex parking lot of $1,527,575. Russell Standard had the low bid of $42,000 for crack sealing. A vote is expected on March 7.