Religion: Week of Nov. 23
At Christ United Methodist Church, Bethel Park, Thanksgiving Eve Community Worship will be offered at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23. Give thanks with Westminster Presbyterian Church and the community. Rev. Dr. Jim Gilchrist of Westminster Presbyterian Church will preach. For more information, visit
At Crossroads Church of Christ, located on Thomas Road in McMurray, Bible study for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m. Sunday (nursery available), followed by worship at 10:30 (nursery and cry room available).
• Life Connections, 5:30 p.m. Sundays. Participate in informal discussions with other Christians. Topics include “Becoming the Answer to Prayer” and “Exploring Christian Movies.” Food provided. Call for details. For more information, call Jay at 724-941-4942.
At South Hills Assembly of God, Bethel Park, CommuniTea, women’s Bible study/fellowship for all ages that is hosted by Pastor Sue Willis with a variety of teachers/speakers, has planned a Christmas Brunch from 9:30 to noon Dec. 2. RSVP and bring your favorite breakfast dish. Free childcare available if preregistered with Sue by calling 412-835-8900 ext. 147. For more information, visit
At Westminster Presbyterian Church, Upper St. Clair, the Westminster Book Group will meet from noon to 1 p.m. Nov. 30 to discuss “Proof of Heaven” by Dr. Eben Alexander. This bestseller is the account of a neurosurgeon’s own near-death experience. Bring a brown bag lunch.
At Westminster Presbyterian Church, Upper St. Clair, Breakfast at the Manger will be held at 9 a.m. Dec. 3, for ages 2 through adult. In addition to breakfast, there will be a Christmas story with live nativity, crafts, games and activities. Cost is $5 for ages 2 through adult; children under 2 eat for free. For more information, call 412-835-6630 or visit