Religion: Week of March 8
At Bethel Presbyterian Church, located on Bethel Church Road, a program of dinner and choice of two studies will be offered Wednesdays, March 8-29 and April 2. A light supper will be served at 6 p.m. The studies, which begin at 7 p.m., are the book study “Mudhouse Sabbath,” exploring the spiritual disciplines from the Jewish tradition through a Christian perspective, and an animate video study, which explores spiritual disciplines through the use of short videos followed by group discussion. To make dinner and class reservations, call the church office at 412-835-0405 or visit
At the Bible Chapel, McMurray, Chapel Sages, a seniors group, will meet at 6:30 p.m. March 17 at the South Hills campus to watch the movie “God’s Not Dead 2” and discuss its themes. Popcorn, water and coffee will be provided. Register online at
At Bower Hill Community Church, Mt. Lebanon, an adult education class will be held at 10:45 a.m. March 12. Paul Siefken, president of Fred Rogers Company, will discuss the Fred Rogers Company’s vision. For more information, call 412-561-4114.
At Christ United Methodist Church, Bethel Park, a Lenten Prayer Vigil is offered on Wednesdays, through April 5. Sign up to join others in prayer each week at Christ Church or from your home. Topic: “Living Our Baptismal Calling.”
• GROWednesdays features dinner, fellowship and faith development for the entire family. Visit the website for more information and for a complete schedule.
• GriefShare, 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays, through April 5. “Your Journey from Mourning to Joy” is a 13-week program for those struggling with life after the death of a loved one. Registration and purchase of the workbook is mandatory. Cost of program and materials is $15. To register, call nurse Debbie Bates at 412-835-6621 ext. 127.
For more information, visit
At Crossroads Church of Christ, located on Thomas Road in McMurray, Bible study for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m. Sunday (nursery available), followed by worship at 10:30 (nursery and cry room available).
• Life Connections, 5:30 p.m. Sundays. Participate in informal discussions with other Christians. Topics include “Becoming the Answer to Prayer” and “Exploring Christian Movies.” Food provided. Call for details.
For more information, call Jay at 724-941-4942.
At Crossroads Ministries, Finleyville, “Clubhouse Kids” runs from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays for children ages 3 through fifth grade. The evening includes high-energy worship, interactive games and crafts, and is free and open to all. For more information, call children’s ministry director Cortney Hodgson at 724-348-1620. For more information, visit
At Emmanuel Lutheran Church, located on Pine Avenue in Castle Shannon, Community Lenten Lunches are held at noon every Wednesday during Lent. A light lunch follows at 12:30 p.m., and a $4 donation is requested to benefit St. Winifred’s food pantry. For more information, call the church at 412-531-1080, or email the office manager at
At Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Bethel Park, a covered dish luncheon and worship service will be held at noon every Wednesday during Lent, beginning March 8. For more information, visit or
At Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church, located on Washington Avenue in Carnegie, volunteers are needed to help make pierogi. Retirees, come listen to music from the 50’s, meet new friends, catch up on old times and pinch pierogies. Coffee, snacks and one dozen free pierogi will be provided to each volunteer. Volunteers are needed from 7:30 to 11 a.m. Thursdays and Fridays. Pierogi is open to the public from 9 a.m. to noon Thursdays and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays. For more information, call the pierogi kitchen at 412-276-9897 or the church rectory at 412-279-4652.
At In His Presence Church, Venetia, a special study series called Foundations of Honor is held at 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings. This teaching series is by well-known author and speaker Danny Silk and gives insight into creating strong relationships in every area of our lives. This week’s topic is Long-term Relationships: How to Make and Keep Them. The church is located on Brookwood Road. For more information, visit
At Mt. Lebanon Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Family Fusion program for all ages is offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings in Fellowship Hall. Children and youth groups are age appropriate. The seminary intern, using the book “Drama of Scripture,” leads the Young Adult Group. There is also a Single Mom’s Group. Small group adult Bible study will be using a study of “Four Great Loves.” Each lesson stands on its own, although it is best to participate in all eight classes. To reserve childcare, call 412-489-3746. For more information, call 412-531-3387 or visit
At Our Lady of Grace Church, Scott, a Sacred Arts Competition/Exhibition will be held May 31-June 4. Artworks submitted for this juried exhibition are required to be in the Judeo-Christian Tradition. Cash prizes of $1,200 will be awarded. Deadline for entries is March 31. Artists interested in displaying their work may download the event brochure with the prospectus for the exhibition and entry form on the parish website at To receive a brochure by mail, call 412-279-7070. The official festival program schedule featuring the art exhibition, live musicians and literary performances will be announced in early May.
At Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church, located on Brookwood Road in Venetia, Living Stones, a Lenten lunch and Bible study that offers a video presentation of the steps of Jesus, is being offered at noon on Wednesdays, March 22, 29 and April 5. Rev. Louise Rogers and Rev. Don Austin will lead the study. For more information, call 724-942-3635 or email
At South Hills Assembly of God, Bethel Park, Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. March 11. Free breakfast, worship, prayer, conversation and uplifting speakers for men of all ages.
• Women of Excellence, led by Pastor Sue Willis and Dedi Kramer, 10 a.m. March 14. Encouraging, equipping and empowering through the word of God; for women of all ages. Theme: A Study on the Holy Spirit. Free childcare provided with prior registration.
• A new session of GriefShare, led by Pastor Pat Sutton, meets from 10 a.m. to noon or from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, through March 30. Find help for the grieving process through this Bible-based support group consisting of DVD teaching followed by discussion and sharing with others on the same journey. Join anytime and return for any missed classes. Registration fee of $15 includes a workbook.
• The Alpha Course, 6 to 9:30 p.m. Fridays, through April 7. A free dinner is provided, with DVD teaching and small group discussion to introduce the basics of Christianity. Alpha is for everyone, especially those investigating Christianity, newcomers to the church, new Christians and those who want to learn more. Call to register.
For more information, visit
At St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, located on Boone Avenue in Canonsburg, the Ladies’ Altar Society will hold its Easter Bake Sale from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 8. Advance orders are being taken for nut, poppy and apricot raisin rolls. To place an order, call 724-743-0231 by March 19.
At Westminster Presbyterian Church, Upper St. Clair, Thursday A.M. Bible Study – Gospel of John will be offered from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Thursdays, through April 6. Bring a Bible. Childcare is available by calling Tracey at 412-835-6630.
• Brahms’ Requiem, 4 p.m. March 12. This beautiful, moving work will be performed by the Westminster Chancel Choir (prepared by Christine Hestwood), professional orchestra (conducted by Maria Sensi Sellner) and soloists Matthew Scollin and Amelia Baisley D’Arcy.
• Piano Concert, 3 p.m. March 19. Pianist Jack Kurutz will play the music of Franz Schubert and Maurice Ravel. A reception in the north entry will follow the concert. Admission is free, but a freewill offering will be collected.
For more information, visit or call 412-835-6630.