Artists to compete in Mt. Lebanon Paint Out

Plein air painting returns to Mt. Lebanon on Sept. 23.
En plein air is a phrase borrowed from the French equivalent meaning “open (in full) air.” It is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors, during which an artist reproduces the actual visual conditions seen at the time of the painting.
Mt. Lebanon’s three-hour Paint Out timed painting competition will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 23, with check-in at 9:30. The registration table will be at the Artists’ Market tent in the Academy Avenue parking lot, behind the 600 block of Washington Road.
Participants must bring all materials necessary for their work to be completed, such as canvas, paint, water, brushes and easel. They are encouraged to bring an umbrella to cover their work areas.
Each painting must be on canvas, either eight-by-10-inch or 11-by-14-inch. All artists must stop painting and turn in their artwork at the check-in tent by 1 o’clock, when judging begins.
Artists of all skill and experience levels are welcome. Those ages 13 to 18 will be considered junior-level participants and eligible for a Junior Award with a cash prize. Adults can win cash prizes for first, second and third places.
Artwork can remain at the Exhibit until the conclusion of the Artists’ Market at 5 p.m. Sept. 24, by which time all artwork and easels must be picked up. Any artwork and easels that are not claimed by then will be donated.
For more information, visit