School news
Remake Learning Days
Upper St. Clair School District will host two events on May 17 in conjunction with Remake Learning Days. Making in the Fab Lab ‘After Hours’@Boyce, for students in grades 9-12, and Making in the Fab Lab ‘After Hours’@USCHS, for students in grades 3-8, offer participants the opportunity to design, create and problem-solve. The events are free, however advance registration is required.
To register for the event at the high school, visit Registration for the Boyce program has reached its maximum capacity and currently has a waiting list. To be added to the waiting list, visit
Elementary registration
St. Elizabeth Elementary School in Pleasant Hills is accepting registrations for Kindergarten and grades 1-8. Before and after school care is available. For more information, call the school office at 412-881-2958.
Arts in USC winners
Several students earned first, second and third place honors in the 2017-18 Arts in USC contest, sponsored by Upper St. Clair Parent Teacher Council. The following students and their artwork were recognized:
Kindergarten — 1st place: Early Morning Wonder at the Park by Kriti Kulkarni, Baker; 2nd place: The House and the Sea by Annika Richard, Streams area home-schooled; 3rd place: Family Time by Matthew Hobbs, Eisenhower
First Grade — 1st place: Wonderful Nature by Cadia Gostic, Baker; 2nd place: The Wonder All around Us by Mira Murthy, Streams; 3rd place: Untitled by Elle Fisher, Eisenhower
Second Grade — 1st place: Winter Wonder Land by Alexa Galbraith, Streams; 2nd place: Beach of Wonders by Madelyn Brunner, Baker; 3rd place: The Girl by Audrey Chakos, Eisenhower
Third Grade — 1st place: Peacock and Rainbow by Sahama Senthil, Baker; 2nd place: Super Blue Moon Morning by Penelope Weaver, Streams; 3rd place: Daydream by Makenzie Smith, Eisenhower
Fourth Grade — 1st place: Seeing Things Through by Sasha Boyette, Baker; 2nd place: World Peace by Medha Misra, Eisenhower; 3rd place: Peaceful World by Isaac Gracie, Streams
Fifth Grade — 1st place: Who’s Watching Us? by Meredith Roman; 2nd place: Wondrous Owl by Zoe Roberts; 3rd place: Man-Made and Natural Wonders by Eva Dubriel
Sixth Grade — 1st place: #Smile by Melodi Caliskan; 2nd place: To Dream Far Enough by Elena Fairfull; 3rd place: Seeing All the Wonder around Us by Diana Funaro
More than 150 students in kindergarten through grade 6 participated in the annual contest. With the theme, “The Wonder All around Us,” students were tasked with creating original, two-dimensional artwork.