Peters Township Interact students present culinary exploration

Welcome to the world’s cuisine.
Students in the Peters Township High School Interact Club hosted an International Food Fair on May 21, inviting members of the community to sample a variety of goodies and learn more about cultures around the globe.

Harry Funk / The Almanac
Harry Funk / The Almanac
Junior Jackie Thomas cooks crepes at the France table.
“I was really happy to see everyone come together and be really excited about showing off their tables to other students,” senior Mariajosé Figueroa, who is of Colombian heritage, said.
She joined other club members for a Hispanic display, featuring the likes of enchiladas, tacos and frijoles along with items of Latin American culture, including a handmade pottery house that her mother brought from Colombia.
On the other side of the cafeteria, junior Jackie Thomas cooked crepes in honor of France, while fellow 11th-grader Carmen Burkholder applied toppings of ham and cheese for a snack and fruit and whipped cream for dessert.
Although she is not of French descent, Carmen has been studying the language since middle school and is looking forward to her first trip to Paris this summer, especially visiting the nearby Palace of Versailles.
“I think it’s really interesting,” she said about France. “I love the way that their society functions.”

Harry Funk / The Almanac
Harry Funk / The Almanac
From left, Mekhala Santebennur, Sanah Handu and Uma Thachapuzha get ready to serve Indian food.
At another table, senior Mekhala Santebennur, junior Sanah Handu and sophomore Uma Thachoapuzha served such dishes as naan bread with curry dip and, for those with a sweet tooth, gulab jamun and laddu.
“We’re trying to bring our Indian heritage, in a small way, to our school and our community,” Mekhala said.
Also featured was food from East Asia, the Middle East, Germany and Italy, making for quite the treat for anyone who is curious about how the world eats.
“In general, the foods are prepared by families from that culture, so they’re authentic recipes,” Interact club treasurer Mark McFarlin reported.

Harry Funk / The Almanac
Harry Funk / The Almanac
From left, Angela Le, Bert Wang and Hannah Dang at the Southeast Asia table
The club, which has more than 100 members and is financially supported by the McMurray Rotary Club, participates in service projects. Proceeds from the International Food Fair benefit Midwives for Haiti, and organization that strives to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for mothers and babies in the poverty-stricken Caribbean nation.
Other activities the club has organized this school year include a family bingo night that packed the cafeteria; dinner preparation at Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship, which provides transitional housing for homeless veterans in Uptown Pittsburgh; and volunteer opportunities on Saturday mornings at the Finleyville Food Pantry.
Faculty advisers to the club are Patricia Trunzo, a high school English teacher, and librarian Katelyn Gilroy.

Harry Funk / The Almanac
Harry Funk / The Almanac
Carmen Burkholder, left, unveils some French cuisine for siblings Nicolas and Mary Tallon.