No tax increase included in USC’s 2019 budget

It appears that Upper St. Clair Township will hold the line on taxes in 2019.
Upper St. Clair Finance Director Mark Romito reviewed the 2019 proposed budget at the township commissioners’ Nov. 5 regular meeting. The $22 million general fund budget holds the real estate tax rate at 3.83 mills and the earned income tax rate to 0.80 percent. Upper St. Clair Township has not raised taxes since 2010.
Real estate and earned income taxes make up approximately 79 percent of the proposed budget, which is $22,014,855. When sewer user fees and C&RC revenue are included, the total budget increases to $25,310,067.
Romito said EIT revenue has increased 2.15 percent over the past nine years, and he is estimates 1.75 percent growth in 2019.
On the expenditures side, Romito said all expenditures are up 1.87 percent from the 2018 budget, with operating expenses increasing 3.41 percent. Refuse and recycling costs increase in 2019 by $184,000, a 14.7 percent increase. Health insurance will increase 6 percent and workers comp premiums increase 14.4 percent.
In 2019, wages for full time, non-contract employees increase 2.75 percent, police wages increase 2.25 percent, and public works wages increase 2.5 percent. Expenditures in the C&RC fund include software updates, credit card processing, and marketing, and prioritizing and implementation of facility assessment recommendations.
Also included in the 2019 proposed budget are capital projects, including $1.7 million for road repairs, $500,00 for storm sewers, and two traffic signal projects in conjunction with PennDOT, one at Rt. 19 and Boyce, and one at Rt. 19 and Old Washington.
The board is expected to vote on the 2019 budget at its Dec. 3 regular meeting. The budget will be on display at the township office, library, and online at
In other business, a public hearing was held for Crossroads United Methodist Church for nonresidential conditional use approval. Crossroads, located at 1120 Boyce Rd. (the former J.C. Penney call center), currently operates out of half of the building and is seeking approval to occupy the full building.
A public hearing was also held for Southwood Psychiatric for nonresidential amended tentative and final approval of Boyce Plaza Complex planned office/hospital center. Southwood, located at 2575 Boyce Plaza Road, is seeking approval of a proposed 1,100 square foot addition and walled play area. Both hearings will be continued at the board’s Dec. 3 meeting.
The board voted to appoint Sean Warner to a vacancy on the township’s Civil Service Board, with his term lasting through 2020. The township is seeking residents to serve on various boards and commissions. Interested residents should submit a talent bank form, available online or in the township manager’s office.