
Bethel Park Light-Up Night welcomes Santa

By Eleanor Bailey almanac Sports Editor ebailey@thealmanac.Net 1 min read
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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Santa listens attentively as Nora Chapin, 3, whispers in his ear that she wants a doll for Christmas.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Annabelle Green, 2, of Bethel Park, admires the ornaments on the tree.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Teddy Arbaugh, 4, reacts with excitement when Santa Claus arrives as does his little brother, Beau, 1, and father, Shawn.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Santa listens intently as Raegan Foote, 7, and her sister, Madison, 5, tell him what they want for Christmas.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Members of the Bethel Park High School jazz ensemble, under the direction of Chad Thompson, provided the musical entertainment while the Independence Middle School singers, under the direction of Jay McDowell, led the crowd in carols and other holiday favorites.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

An amazed Mason Winfield can’t wait to try on the reindeer antlers his sister, Isabella, 6, made for him.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Jessica and Anthony Manchester rock around the Christmas tree during Bethel Park Light-up Night festivities.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Emma Looman, 5, spoons up oats to make food for Santa’s reindeer.

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Jessica Manchester, 9, rocks around the Christmas tree.

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Eleanor Bailey/The Almanac

Santa reacts as Raegan Foote, 7, and her sister, Madison, 5, tell him what they want for Christmas.

They were rockin’ and singin’ around the Christmas Tree when Bethel Park welcomed Santa Claus on Nov. 27 during its annual Light-up Night at the community center.

Children of all ages helped Mayor Jack Allen count down the seconds until the tree officially was lit and Santa arrived. He was serenaded by the Independence Middle School singers, directed by Jay McDowell, while the Bethel Park High School jazz ensemble, directed by Chad Thompson, provided the swing.

While children waited to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas, they prepared treats for his reindeer. The magic food when sprinkled on the lawn will sparkle bright at night because of the moon and help to guide the jolly old elf. Stations were also set up for the children to make antlers to adorn their heads. Plenty of cookies and hot cocoa enabled them to have visions of sugar plums dancing in their dreams until the big day arrives Dec. 25.


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