Bethel Park student wins pageant in ‘World Series of Baton Twirling’

Alexis Kiesling, a senior at Bethel Park High School, finished first overall in the America’s Youth On Parade Beginner Pageant 16-Plus at the University of Notre Dame.
Competing in what is known as the “World Series of Baton Twirling” in late July, Alexis tested her skills against girls from throughout the United States.
In her pageant, she finished first in both twirl and strut, and second in modeling.
The competition is judged like golf: the lower the score, the better.
Alexis scored a total of three points, besting second-place Katherine Schafer, a fellow Pennsylvanian, by a full seven points.
In order to twirl at Notre Dame, she had to win at the state level, which she accomplished in May.