Upper St. Clair approves 2019-2020 school calendar

The Upper St. Clair School board approved the district’s 2019-2020 school calendar during the Feb. 25 meeting.
The first day of school for students will be Aug. 26, with the last day of school scheduled for June 9, 2020, pending snow make-up days.
The school calendar calls for three snow make-up days; the first snow make-up day is April 13, the Monday after spring break. Additional snow make-up days are scheduled for June 10 and 11, if needed. The complete calendar can be viewed on the district website.
USC Superintendent John Rozzo told the board that there had been four school cancellations during the current school year. Since Upper St. Clair scheduled 183 days of school, more than the 180 required by the state, Rozzo recommended that the board consider forgiving three of the snow make-up days.
The board is expected to take action at its March 11 meeting. The remaining snow make-up day and any additional snow make-up days will most likely be scheduled for the end of the school year.
At the same meeting, District Judge Ron Arnoni spoke to the board about the LEAD Program, which will be presented to the district’s ninth- and 10th-grade students on April 2. LEAD, which stands for leadership, education, accountability and direction, attempts to reach students through three tiers. The tiers include drugs and alcohol, which also covers vaping; social media and its uses and misuses; and interpersonal skills, relationship building and goal setting.
In other business, the board awarded a bid for seven 72-passenger school buses to Myers Equipment Corporation in the amount of $93,612 per bus.