Peters Township High School construction on track

The Peters Township High School project is on track, according to information presented at the Jan. 22 school board meeting.
“It’s just a struggle with the weather right now, which is pretty much expected,” Stephen Reckhart, on-site construction manager for Reynolds Solutions, told the board during a project update.
The new school is targeted for opening in 2020 at the former site of Rolling Hills Country Club, with access from East McMurray and Center Church roads. Reynolds, which is based in Harrisburg and has a regional office in Oakmont, is providing construction management services.
At this point, retaining structures are in place as part of the school’s foundation.
“The caisson crew is about 95 percent complete,” Reckhart said. “They’ve actually pulled off the job right now. They need some grading work done before they can come back and drill. There are 13 caissons left to do.”
Masonry contractors continue to work on the walls.
“In the beginning of February, we should be mobilized and start setting structural steel on the ground floor,” Reckhart reported.
He said that plumbing contractors are off the job for now and will return in late March or early April, as anticipated. Contractors are performing asbestos abatement in a Center Church Road house on property purchased by the district, with demolition to take place soon. Part of the site will be used in a reconfigured intersection for the road to access the new school.
“It wasn’t extensive,” Reckhart said about the abatement work. “There was a little bit of floor tile, some tape on some ductwork and a little bit of caulking.”