Waller selected to fill USC commissioner vacancy

Rex Waller was sworn in as an Upper St. Clair commissioner prior to the board’s June 3 meeting, filling the vacancy created upon the resignation of Russell Del Re.
Ward 2 commissioner from January 2014 to January 2018, Waller served as vice president of the board, chair of the community development committee, a member of the human resources, budget and finance, and public safety committees and as a representative to South Hills Area Council of Governments.
At the same meeting, the board approved an amendment to the township code regarding fees for stormwater management.
The fees relate to projects that increase impervious areas on a property. Approved was a small project review fee of $50 for projects with an area greater than 400 square feet and less than 2500 square feet. The fee for large project review, greater than 2500 square feet, was set at $350. Also established for large projects was an escrow fee of $150 to cover any additional engineering fees that could be incurred during stormwater management plan revisions.
During the meeting, a public hearing was held for Chase Bank for conditional use preliminary land development approval. Chase plans to build a 2600-square-foot building on the site of the old Trunk Show Boutique after demolishing the existing building.
Chase is requesting six conditional-use modifications. Township code requires two loading berths for a building the size being built, but due to the nature of their business, Chase is requesting a modification for no loading berths. Township code calls for a sidewalk requirement, which Chase is requesting be waived as there are no sidewalks on that side of the road. USC code calls for a three-foot minimum landscape area around the parking area, but due to the size of the lot, Chase is requesting the overall area of the landscape meet the requirement.
Since township code does not permit access onto Route 19, Chase is requesting that this requirement be modified for access into the bank using existing curb cuts. USC requires a setback of 10 feet for accessory structures and Chase is requesting the setback be reduced to two feet for its enclosed trash receptacle due to the size of the property. Chase is also requesting the bottom final slope landscape buffer requirement be modified for the business to encroach on existing curb lines.
A second public hearing was held regarding zoning text amendment to Chapter 130 of the township code to add conditional uses in the SB zoning district. The change would limit the size/intensity of personal fitness center or massage therapy establishments.
Allen Sable of Sable and Sable, LLC proposed a 12,000-square-foot cap, stating big box fitness centers averaged 20,000-50,000 square feet and boutique specialty fitness centers averaged 2,000-6,000 square feet in size.
The board voted to continue both public hearings July 1.