Harvard instructor returns for mindfulness presentation in Mt. Lebanon

Mt. Lebanon School District will welcome back Dr. Christopher Willard – best-selling author, practicing psychologist and resilience expert – to continue the conversation about mindfulness as he presents “Making Mindfulness Stick” from 1 to 2:30 p.m. June 8 in the auditorium of Washington Elementary School, 735 Washington Road.
Willard, who teaches at Harvard Medical School, will discuss how parents and teachers can help children of all ages manage the stresses of the modern world through mindful practices. He will also present simple strategies for implementing mindfulness at home and at school.
The talk is free and open to the public.
A book signing will take place after the talk with copies of his “Growing Up Mindful” and his newly published children’s book, “Alphabreaths: The ABC’s of Mindful Breathing.”
The event is co-sponsored with the Mt. Lebanon PTA Council and the Mt. Lebanon Public Library.
“I can think of few topics that have more practical application for parents and educators,” Timothy Steinhauer, school district superintendent, said. “Dr. Willard brings a commonsense approach to helping children and adults develop competencies that lead to balance, calm and resilience, critical to performance as a student, a parent and an educator.”
Willard has been practicing meditation for 20 years, and has led hundreds of workshops around the world, with invitations to more than two dozen countries. He serves on the board of directors at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, and is the president of the Mindfulness in Education Network.
He is the author of “Child’s Mind” (2010), “Growing Up Mindful” (2016), “Raising Resilience” (2017) and eight other books for parents, professionals and children, along with six sets of cards and therapeutic games, available in more than 10 languages.