St. Clair Hospital’s new outpatient center receives $1 million grant

The Richard King Mellon Foundation has granted $1 million to the St. Clair Hospital Foundation to help construct the new Dunlap Family Outpatient Center on the hospital’s main campus, in Mt. Lebanon and Scott Township.
The total projected cost of the outpatient center, including infrastructure, is $142 million. To date, more than $28 million in grants and private support has been raised. Tax-exempt bonds and retained earnings, which comprise most of the project funding, will meet remaining costs.
The Richard King Mellon Foundation, located in Pittsburgh, with assets of $2.5 billion, is the largest grant-making philanthropy in the region.
St. Clair Hospital has outgrown space and needs to separate outpatient services from inpatient services on its main campus. The new outpatient center will be the largest project in St. Clair’s history and the first major building construction on the main campus since the 1970s.
The six-story center will house state-of-the-art clinical spaces, including pre- and post-op suites. It will feature comprehensive diagnostic services and multidisciplinary physician offices, providing one-stop health care services.
The center will connect to the hospital on two floors, providing easy access for patients and visitors. The project also includes an employee parking garage, now open, and a central utility building to modernize campus infrastructure.
As part of the project, North Wren Drive was realigned to better connect with Bower Hill Road, increasing public safety and reducing traffic congestion.
St. Clair Hospital’s inpatient care grew 22%, outpatient volume increased 130% and outpatient surgical cases grew 20% since 2006. The outpatient center will add 150 permanent jobs, including registered nurses, technicians, technologists, therapists and other professional and support personnel.