Senator proposes bipartisan legislation to support school contract workers

State Sen. Pam Iovino, D-Mt. Lebanon, has announced a bipartisan legislative proposal to provide consistent protections for all school contractors, many of whom want to work, but are unable to because of the physical closure of schools.
The recently passed Pandemic of 2020 section of the Public School Code included an amendment that allows school entities to renegotiate contracts, specifically for school bus transportation services, with the goal of ensuring contracted personnel and fixed costs are maintained during closure.
Iovino’s proposed legislation would extend this protection to all other contract service providers, including but not limited to food service, custodial and security contracts.
“In light of the disruptions and uncertainty caused by the necessary closure of Pennsylvania schools, we must extend basic protections to all school contract workers, protections that have already been granted to school bus drivers,” she said. “Creating consistent protections for all contractors will help workers secure continued healthcare coverage and income, which are critical to these workers and their families weathering this unprecedented crisis.”
The proposed legislation would be an amendment to the recently passed Pandemic of 2020 section of the Public School Code: Act 13 of 2020, formerly Senate Bill 751.