
Peters Township moves ahead with capital improvement projects

By Harry Funk staff Writer hfunk@thealmanac.Net 3 min read
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Peters Township Council voted Monday to proceed with several capital improvement projects that had been put on hold because of the potentially negative financial impact of COVID-19.

The approved projects address needs at the public library and municipal building, within the public works department and in connection with Peters Township Community Television.

Other projects in the 2020 capital improvement plan continue to be deferred, as recommended by township manager Paul Lauer.

“Back in April, we had come to council when it was uncertain what the impacts of COVID-19 would be, both on our revenues and our expenditures,” he said. “What we suggested at the time was our thought that if there was going to be a challenge in Peters Township, it was going to be to our revenue sources.”

He presented information to council about revenues collected so far this year, noting real estate taxes are in line with projections and two other taxes, earned income and local services, are behind but not significantly enough to cause problems.

The amount of real estate transfer tax revenue is budgeted at $1.6 million for 2020. As of Aug. 7, the township had received $619,159, and the amount was boosted on Monday by a $240,000 payment from Washington County.

In 2019, the township collected more than $2.2 million in real estate transfer taxes, far exceeding the average for the previous four years. Recognizing the anomaly, staff members set the 2020 projection lower.

“We’re certainly not going to hit what we did last year,” Lauer said. “But I think we may well be able to make the budgeted amount.”

Among the capital improvement projects to proceed is upgrading the fire alarm system inside the municipal building, at a cost of $70,000.

“It was installed in the ’80s, and it is outdated and no longer up to code,” Lauer explained.

As for the library, he recommended going ahead with spending $50,000 to replace the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system, especially in the context of concerns regarding COVID-19.

“I think the reason why you want to move ahead with this is we ought to be looking at whether or not there’s something we can be doing with the air-handling systems inside of that library space to be able to deal with disinfecting or cleaning the air,” he said.

Also at the library, a $20,000 project is replacing the handicap-accessible front doors with an automatic system, so that users can proceed without having to push a button.

For the benefit of motorists, the public works department will resume sealing cracks and applying rejuvenator on local roads in need, a $130,000 endeavor. A new brine system for ice and snow removal will cost $125,000, and $15,000 is going toward replacing lawn equipment.

“We’ve actually spent a fair amount for repairs on these mowers this year,” Lauer said, “and if you don’t buy this now, you’re just going to find it next year in your budget again.”

The purchase of $52,000 worth of new production equipment for community television is in anticipation of the facility’s move into the new Peters Township High School next year.

Money for the projects comes from two township funds, Capital Improvement and Cable Television. The latter represents a franchise fee paid by cable providers equal to 5% of gross revenues collected.

Source: Peters Township


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