Director of diversity, equity and inclusion named for South Fayette schools

South Fayette Township School Board has named Charles Herring as director of diversity, equity and inclusion.
The new administrative position was created to support the district’s efforts with the diversity and cultural competencies goals in the 2019-22 strategic plan. Herring will leave his teaching position in the district as K-5 enrichment coordinator to assume this new role.
Herring holds a doctorate of education in language, literacy and culture from the University of Pittsburgh. He served in an extracurricular position as diversity and inclusion coordinator for South Fayette Township School District during the past school year. In that role, Herring created the Student Diversity Leadership Committee.
The Allegheny County Human Relations Commission recognized the committee with a 2020 Diversity Award, which was presented to the student leaders by Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald in the spring.
In his new position, Dr. Herring will help coordinate teacher and student training, assist with audit/revisions of the curriculum to address multiple perspectives, develop recruitment strategies to have a more diverse faculty and staff, and create student and community outreach partnerships, among other duties.