Mt. Lebanon Public Library hosts virtual author visit, other programs

Mt. Lebanon Public Library will host a virtual author visit with Jonathan Putnam at 7 p.m. June 18
Putnam will join in via Zoom to discuss his “Lincoln and Speed Mystery” series. Putnam is a nationally renowned trial lawyer and recognized Lincoln scholar who presents talks about the 16th U.S. president for civic groups, bookstores, libraries and lawyer groups all across the country. He has frequently been featured on television and in print publications.
His books in the series include “Final Resting Place” (2018), “Perish from the Earth” (2017) and “These Honored Dead” (2016). He will discuss the fourth book in the series, “A House Divided,” which retells the story of the greatest unsolved murder mystery from Abraham Lincoln’s real-life law practice. Registration is required at
Virtual programs conducted on a regular basis:
- Virtual Board Game Night, 7 p.m. Tuesdays;
- Virtual Knitting and Crochet Group, 10 a.m. Wednesdays;
- Virtual Monday Maker Lab with resident artist Judé Ernest, 10 a.m.; Mondays, featuring weekly collaborative workshops using the CreativeBug database.
Also on the library’s calendar:
- Virtual Evening Book Group, 7 o’clock June 15, a discussion of “The Operator” by Gretchen Berg. The book can be downloaded for free with your library card on Hoopla through the library’s website. Registration for the event is required.
- Gardening for Challenging Spaces, 7 p.m. June 16. Join Gabi Hughes from the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania and learn how to beautify difficult landscape sites with adaptable native plants that also help birds, pollinators and other wildlife. Register through the library’s website.
- Nature and Wellness and You, 7 p.m. June 17. Learn how time in nature positively affects our well-being, and how we can use this knowledge to enhance our own and our community’s health. The program is presented by Mary Beth Mannarino, psychologist and Professor Emerita at Chatham University, in partnership with the Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy. Register through the library’s website.
- The History of the Pittsburgh Courier, virtual program at 1 p.m. June 22. The Pittsburgh Courier was an African-American weekly newspaper published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from 1907 until Oct. 22, 1966. Founded by Edwin Nathaniel Harleston, a self-published poet, he began by printing the paper at his own expense in 1907. By the 1930s, the Courier was one of the leading black newspapers in the United States. Samuel Black, director of African-American Programs at the Heinz History Center, will share the story of the paper’s legacy. Presented in partnership with the Historical Society of Mount Lebanon. Register through the library’s website.
- SCORE: Introduction To Small Business Finance, virtual program at 7 p.m. June 23. Certified public accountant Will Winters will provide an overview of the financial principles that can used by new businesses. The workshop is intended for beginner or early stage entrepreneurs ready to start a new business. Register through the library’s website.
- Paneros and the Spanish Civil War Virtual Author Talk, 7 p.m. June 24. Author Aaron Shulman will discuss his book, “The Age of Disenchantments: The Epic Story of Spain’s Most Notorious Literary Family and the Long Shadow of the Spanish Civil War,” the stranger-than-fiction saga of the Paneros, which deals with the themes of fascism, democracy, and the interplay of art and politics.
- Cello concert with Dawn Paulus, 6 p.m. June 29. Dawn has a cello performance degree from Duquesne University and performs with various groups around Pittsburgh, including Three Rivers String Quartet.
For more information and to register for programs, visit