Progress continues on new Peters Township High School

With about two months to go before the start of the move into the new Peters Township High School, Roshelle Fennell provided school board members and district administrators with a sense of optimism.
“Everyone is committed to trying to get this project across the finish line,” she said during the board’s meeting Monday. “Despite some of the equipment that hasn’t shown up or stuff not working out the way it’s supposed to, we continually meet with the contractors and revamp our approach.”
As project manager for Reynolds Construction, the firm that serves as construction manager for the new school, Fennell has provided comprehensive monthly updates to the board. The latest report indicated that as the project starts to wrap up, district staff members have begun to take over some of the preparatory work.
Adam Swinchock, director of educational technology, is leading the effort to integrate the district’s information network in the new building, along with installing TV monitors in classrooms. Other work includes cosmetic finishing touches, such as waxing and polishing the terrazzo flooring.
Various contractors continue to do their part, as well, including those in the process of making final electrical and plumbing connections to equipment in the school cafeteria.
“In the auditorium, the drywall partitions are wrapping up,” Fennell said. “We’re trying to establish a start date for the ceiling wood panels and trying to establish a delivery date for the auditorium seating, in order to finalize the completion date.”
Installation of gymnasium equipment is in progress, and installation of plywood flooring is expected to begin the week of Oct. 26. The nearby fitness and weight room is being prepared for painting of the ceiling and walls.
Work on the natatorium will continue after the new school opens to students and staff members, scheduled for early January.
“The underground pool drainage system has been completed. It has been tested for the township. That has all passed,” Fennell reported, adding the plumbing and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning contractors are working on their underground portions. “Once that is all done, they’ll let us start prepping for the concrete pool deck.”
The move from the existing high school to the new building is scheduled to take place from Dec. 17, the first day of winter break, through Jan. 6, with classes scheduled to resume the following day.
Changes will continue with the conversion of the 52-year-old high school to the new location of Peters Township Middle School, in time for the 2021-22 academic year.