Virtual meeting scheduled regarding Peters Township intersection

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation invites the public to participate in a live virtual public meeting regarding the improvement project for the intersection of Valley Brook and Bebout roads in Peters Township.
The meeting is scheduled for 5 to 6:30 p.m. Jan. 19. The purpose of the project is to relieve congestion while improving safety and enhancing access to the Arrowhead Trail parking lot by constructing a single-lane roundabout at the intersection.
Featured during the meeting will be a short presentation to introduce the project, plus an opportunity for participants to share their concerns directly via polling questions or moderated chat-discussions with the project team.
To access the webpage, visit, click on the Public Meetings link under the District Links heading, pick the Washington County box and then choose the Valley Brook Road Intersection Project tile. A link to join the presentation will be available on the page.
To provide feedback or questions, call 724.415-2400 or email PennDOT project manager Brian Svesnik at