
National Cemetery of the Alleghenies observes Veterans Day

By Harry Funk staff Writer hfunk@thealmanac.Net 4 min read
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Marcella Sorensen, left, and U.S. Navy veteran Tracy Daniels participate in the program as members of the Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania, a group that attends the funerals of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the families.

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Brigadier Gen. Jake Kwon is commander of the 316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), which has command and control of more than 10,000 Army Reserve soldiers throughout the northeastern United States.

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Harry Funk/The Almanac

Col. Bryan Bailey is commander of the 911th Operations Group at the Pittsburgh Air Reserve Station.

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Ken Williams directs the Pittsburgh South Hills Keystone Chorus, which has as its usual meeting place Hamilton Presbyterian Church in Bethel Park.

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Drum major Alia MacFarland leads the Canon-McMillan High School Marching Band.

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Kate Matthews of the Department of Veteran Affairs is among those performing music at the observerance.

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Canon-MacMillan High School student Taylor Pastore, a drum major, leads the school's marching band.

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Canon-McMillan High School's Bella Voce Choir performs "The Star-Spangled Banner."

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Maggie Sisson directs the Canon-McMillan High School Bella Voce Choir.

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Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania member Lewis Winnecour, a Korean War veteran, is accompanied by Marsha Mintz.

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Harry Funk/The Almanac

Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania member Amanda Harris displays the U.S. Coast guard flag.

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Edward Hajduk is National Cemetery of the Alleghenies director.

The U.S. military is known for its punctuality, which was put on eminent display Thursday morning at the start of the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies’ Veterans Day program.

“I have some friends on the way to come visit,” Col. Bryan Bailey said.” If we time this out, everything should work out right at about 11 o’clock.”

And precisely as he wrapped up his pre-program address, an Air Force C-17 transport aircraft flew above, drawing a round of applause from those attending the observance.

Bailey, commander of the 911th Operations Group at the Pittsburgh Air Reserve Station, explained the plane’s significance.

“Only weeks ago, that very aircraft – not one like it, mind you, but that very aircraft – fixed, loaded, fueled, launched and flown by Reserve citizen airmen from right here in Pittsburgh, airlifted hundreds of our allies out of Afghanistan to the promise of a better life,” he said.

Hope turned out to be a prominent theme during the program at the cemetery in Cecil Township, with Brigadier Gen. Jake Kwon in his keynote address acknowledging the integral role of veterans in American society.

“After they take off the uniform, their service will often continue in a variety of ways. As you look around you and around the country, veterans serve as teachers, doctors, engineers, social workers, community leaders and elected officials,” said Kwon, who leads the Army Reserve’s 316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary).

“They continue their service to our communities through their positive contributions, shaped from their lessons and experiences while in uniform. It builds stronger communities and legacies while inspiring our younger Americans.”

Kwon noted the United States now has its largest population of young veterans since the Vietnam War.

“They’re a precious resource for all, but they’re also the glue that bonds America back to the military community,” he said. “What hasn’t changed is their determination or their spiritual strength, and as they follow in the proud footsteps of the men and women who served in the Armed Forces and then served their communities, they’re going to bring with them the uncommon and unwavering strength that they learned while wearing the uniform.

“So I charge all of us to remember the dual aspects of our veterans’ service and continue to support them out of uniform so that they can successfully transition to civilian life and their next stage.”

Bailey also spoke about the importance of recognizing those whose service in uniform has been comparatively recent.

“Veterans Day evokes images of an old man visiting the graves of his historic war buddies, those young men who were never given the chance to grow old, men who made the ultimate sacrifice on epic days and in epic places with names like Anzio, Normandy and Iwo Jima,” Bailey said.

“To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, on this Veterans Day, it is for us, the living, to be here dedicated to the unfinished work of not just remembering the veterans in this cemetery. We must remember and be grateful for all the living veterans among us,” he said. “So, yes, today we remember Anzio, Normandy and Iwo Jima. But we also remember the Chosin Reservoir, Saigon, Kuwait City, Mogadishu, Mazar-e-Sharif, Fallujah, Baghdad, Kabul and so many more.”

Cemetery director Edward Hajduk acknowledged the many people and organizations participating in the observance, including Canon-McMillan High School choir and band members, Civil Air Patrol Golden Triangle Composite Squadron 603, Marine Corps League Detachment 1138 in Washington, Patriot Guard Riders of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh South Hills Keystone Chorus, Seneca Valley High School Army Junior ROTC and Washington County Young Marines.

“The sacrifices of our Armed Forces have provided an environment of security and freedom in which our national has grown and flourished,” Hajduk said. “That’s the story of America’s veterans, ordinary men and women who stepped forward to purchase our independence with their service and to help others who felt the oppression of tyranny.”


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