Peters Township School Board OKs security camera system

The Peters Township School Board voted Monday to approve an upgrade of the security camera system at Bower Hill Elementary for more than $141,000.
The purchase will come out of the district’s capital budget. School board member J. Rolf Briegel questioned if they could potentially find a more affordable option.
“I recognize the importance of this system. Nevertheless, the price tag is a bit high. Is there anyone else who can provide a similar service at a better price?” Briegel said.
The security system is provided by Dagostino Electronic Services. Business Manager Brad Rau said they are using the same provider for the sake of consistency across district buildings.
“This would be using the same system we use at the other buildings,” Rau explained.
The board also approved spending $24,400 to replace the wall and door pads at the Peters Township Middle School auxiliary gym.
In other business, the board had a first reading for revisions to district policies, including policies related to student discipline, controlled substances, employee discipline, emergency preparedness and food services.
The revised policies are available on the Peters Township School District website. The board will hold a second reading at its Nov. 21 meeting before voting to adopt the changes.