Bethel Park recognized as Banner Community
The Municipality of Bethel Park has been recognized as a “2023 Banner Community” by County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and the Allegheny League of Municipalities (ALOM).
Bethel Park has received the designation every year since 2014 and is among the 84 who’ve received it this year.
The Banner Community Program recognizes municipalities that show a commitment to professional development, prudent fiscal management, transparency, accountability, and proactive communications to engage community stakeholders.
“Once again being named a Banner Community is a testament to the amazing work the employees, council and mayor dedicate to the community each day,” said Bethel Park Municipal Council President Tim Moury.
The Allegheny League of Municipalities is a nonprofit organization that was created in the early 1960s to coordinate the needs of the area’s local elected officials. The organization educates elected officials, delivers essential resources and advocates for sound policy and legislation.
To learn more about the municipality of Bethel Park, along with its programs and services, visit