Native American drum and dance demonstration set for Bridgeville library

November is National American Heritage Month and Bridgeville Public Library is marking the occasion with a drum and dance demonstration from 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 10.
Presented by the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center, the origin and history of three different dances will be explored. They will be accompanied by a drummer and singer.
The library is also working with the group Public Art Bridgeville to display Native American artwork, according to Erin Weaver, the library’s assistant director. This is the first time the library has hosted a Native American dance event, she explained, and it will take place indoors, at the far end of the library. About 100 tickets are being made available for the demonstration.
“It’s nice to do something to celebrate the month,” Weaver said.
The Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center, based in Pittsburgh, is dedicated to promoting the social and economic development of the Native American community, though it is open to all people regardless of origin. It also seeks to preserve Native American culture. The council hosts a number of events illuminating that culture.
Weaver hopes that anyone attending the event “would come out of it being inspired about a culture that is different from their own and traditions that are new to them.”
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