BP board approves Act 1 submission
Bethel Park School Board members Feb. 18 approved a preliminary general fund budget in the amount of $79,843,157 for the 2014-2015 school year.
By approving the preliminary budget, the district was able to approve the submission of the Act 1 Referendum Exceptions for Retirement Contribution Expenditures.
Under state Act 1, a school district that adopts a preliminary budget with real estate taxes that exceed its index may seek approval for referendum exceptions to increase tax rates by more than its adjusted index.
Board president Donna Cook explained that just because the board approved a submission does not mean that they will actually need or seek the exemption.
Adopting the preliminary budget “is just setting the stage for us to begin (the budgeting process),” she said. Cook added that district officials will make many revisions before adopting a final budget by the state deadline of June 30.
In other business, board members discussed a contract proposal by Hayes Design Group Architects for services related to the renovation of the Independence Middle School parking lot.
Kevin Hayes explained the scope and cost of the proposed project. The base contract is $700,000, which, with contingencies and additions, is expected to total approximately $968,000.
Hays said the project, which will involve removing asphalt as well as some substructure, repaving and electrical work, should be good for 15 to 20 years.
The original parking lot, which has been patched and repaired, is 40 years old and “way overdue” for replacement, Hayes told district officials.
“You got your money’s worth,” he said.
The board is expected to vote on the paving contract at a meeting scheduled for Feb. 25.