Mt. Lebanon hosting informational turf meeting
Mt. Lebanon residents interested in scheduled improvements to Middle and Wildcat playing fields on Cedar Boulevard at Mt. Lebanon Park are invited to an informational meeting, 7-8:30 p.m. June 12 at Mellon Middle School auditorium.
Commission Vice President John Bendel will facilitate the meeting, at which he and several consultants will speak and provide audio-visual presentations. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that all interested residents have factual, up-to-date information about the project, which will get under way this summer.
Bendel and the consultants will give an overview of the plans, which include providing a new surface for the fields. Following their presentation, they will address questions suggested by the audience.
Wildcat and Middle Fields are municipally owned and maintained and are used for a variety of sports by children and teens of all ages. The school district is providing the meeting space; it is not involved with the project.