South Fayette, Bridgeville libraries name new joint director
As South Fayette and Bridgeville libraries join forces for a second year, the organizations have named Cheryl Napsha to become new library director. Napsha replaces Rebecca Long, who took a job with the Erie County Public Library in August. Napsha had previously worked as library director at Bethel Park Public Library.
The libraries are sharing resources and staff as the Bridgeville Library pays $20,000 for managerial oversight, accounting and support services.
“We (used last year) as the template. We paid $15,000 and had negotiated for raises for certain employees like the director, who was taking on a lot,” said Bridgeville Library board president Becky Wibson.
“There were fears last year that this was going to be some giant takeover, but this is just to run operations with business as usual,” said South Fayette Township Library board president Bob Milacci.
“This is something we have to do to keep both programs alive because township funding is under stress, state funds are flat, and (Regional Asset District) funding is minimal. Money isn’t exactly oozing out of the crevices. This is to spend money more wisely,” Milacci said.
The contract said the management and personnel agreement would start Nov. 18.
“This is for the good of both communities, to make both libraries better resources,” Milacci said.