Upper St. School Board mulls capital projects
Improvements to the stadium, theater, parking lots, swimming pool and locker rooms – all are on a list of dozens of items that need prioritization for the Upper St. Clair school board to act on which ones are worth the time and costs.
“We need to try to pare this list down before we even try to tackle what are priorities,” said board director Louis Oliverio.
“I’ve been to 98 percent of these meetings. I’m frustrated. This capital improvements project is not going to move forward unless someone is put in charge. You need to appoint someone and then go from there instead of going in circles,” said Jim Welch, of 1207 Montclair Drive. Welch’s comments came after about 40 minutes of board directors’ questions at their Nov. 10 committee meeting that still leaves the engineer with a lot to recommend.
“The press box is in pretty bad shape. It’s undersized and has some electrical issues. Looking at renovating home-side restrooms (and the bleachers); getting disabled access to more areas around it … and bringing it all up to code with better ventilation. All of these things are in our planning,” said engineer Dave McClean.
No clear timetable or cost structure has yet been established.