Columbia Gas to begin $1.2 million gas main replacement in Peters

Columbia Gas will begin a $1.2 million gas main replacement project in Peters Township at the beginning of March that will result in temporary lane closures that could last until late October, the utility company said.
The streets that will be affected by the work – which involves replacing old, cast iron piping with modern plastic pipes – include Oakwood and Old Oak roads; Hemlock, Stratford, Alexander, Nevin, Red Oak and Mt. Blaine drives; as well as Cheshire and Shefield lanes; and West McMurray Road.
Brynnly Schwartz, senior communication specialist for Columbia Gas, said work will take mostly during the week from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. There will be some work done on Saturdays as the need arises, she said. Service to Columbia’s 200 customers in the project area will not be affected, she added.
“Customers will also be receiving new service lines at no cost,” Schwartz said.
Besides the gas main replacement project, the utility said it plans to resume work on the East McMurray Road gas line replacement project that ended near Lindenvale Drive. This work is a continuation of a project started three years ago.
When school is out in late June, Columbia said it intends to complete main line replacement on East McMurray Road from Lindenvale Drive to Thomas Road. The project will include work in adjoining neighborhoods including the Forest and McClintock and Candelite drive areas.
Also, Pennsylvania American Water Co. said it plans this spring to replace its water main for the entire length of Gateshead Drive. Traffic is expected to be maintained, but minor delays should be expected.