School taxes rise in Peters Township

Coming on the heels of a just-concluded contract negotiation with district teachers, Peters Township School Board adopted a $62.4 million budget and voted June 27 meeting to raise property taxes by 2.65 mills, to 113.4 mills.
For Peters property owners who now pay $2,000 a year in school taxes, the millage hike means an annual tax increase of $48, according to the district. If the taxes now total $5,000, then the bill goes up by $120.
The new tax rate represents a 2.4 percent increase, the maximum allowed for Peters Township under the provisions of Act 1 of 2006, known as the Taxpayer Relief Act. The district, however, declined to apply for exceptions that could have pushed the ceiling higher.
Neighboring Upper St. Clair School District, for example, raised its rate by 5.7 percent after the state Department of Education approved exceptions for additional special education costs and contributions to the Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System.
Peters Township’s 2016-17 budget represents a $3.1 million increase over the current year.
Nearly 75 percent of the district’s revenue for the upcoming school year will come from local sources, including real estate tax, earned income tax and real estate transfer tax. State subsidies will account for $15.27 million, or 24.47 percent. Staff -related expenditures for next year are expected to increase by $1.9 million. Plus the district’s contribution to PSERS will increase by $1.5 million,.
Also at the June 27 meeting, the school board approved a new five-year contract for Superintendent Jeannine French. The superintendent, who was hired in August 2013, was paid $160,000 and had refused a salary increase during her tenure, said district spokeswoman Shelly Belcher. Under French’s new contract, which is effective July 1, her annual salary will be $184,000.
In other personnel moves, the board hired Mary Collins as a mathematics/STEM teacher at Peters Township Middle School. She replaces Elizabeth Bladel. Emily Kiswardy was hired as a third-grade teacher at Bower Hill Elementary, replacing Meghan Myers.
Anna Wellek was hired as a gifted teacher at McMurray Elementary, replacing Alyson Boyer. Laura Donahoe was hired a special education teacher at Peters Township High School, replacing Ashley Leddy, who becomes a third-grade teacher at Bower Hill Elementary. Leddy is replacing Jolene Hanig-Jones. Morgan McWilliams, a special education teacher at Bower Hill Elementary, was named a third-grade teacher at the school. McWilliams replaces Michelle Hanna.
The board will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. July 6 at the administration building to discuss plans for a potential purchase of the shuttered Rolling Hills Country Club.