Josh Blamer
Josh Blamer
Age: 18
Birthdate: Oct. 7
Parents: Paul and Staci
Siblings: Meredith, 15
Community: Venetia
School: Seton LaSalle
Year: Senior
Sports: Football, lacrosse
Clubs: National Honor Society, English NHS, ATTV
GPA: 4.9
College options: Bucknell, Lehigh, Georgia Tech, Penn State, MIT, CMU, RPI
Major: Bio-medical engineering
Color: Red
Food: Enchiladas
Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Musical group: Zac Brown Band
Restaurant: Fiori’s Pizza on West Liberty Avenue
Book: Ready Player One
Class: Biology
Teacher: Mrs. Bridget Parker
Dream Destination: Rome. “I’ve taken Latin for three years and I love history.”
Favorite athlete: J.J. Watt
Best Halloween costume: “I was a blind ref one year. That was good.”
Who you would like to have dinner with? Elon Musk, the founder & CEO of Tesla.
What has sports taught you? Team work, time management and fortitude. “You can’t do everything by yourself and sometimes it’s not about winning games but how you can come back from adversity.”
What like best about football? “I like the idea it’s a team thing. Academically, I usually just sit there by myself and study but in football I can get immersed in the team aspect and team building.:
In 15 years, I will be…living a normal life, have a stable job with a wife and kids.