sports briefs
Golf outing
The Red Shield Golf Classic will be held Sept. 14, at Lindenwood Golf Club, 360 Galley Road, McMurray. Registration and lunch are at 11 a.m. Scramble format with a shotgun start at noon. Dinner and awards follow. Registration is $600 for a foursome, $150 for an individual or $45 for dinner only. Cart, green fees and meals included. To register, visit by Aug. 31. For information, call 724-225-5740.
Pickleball clinic
A pickleball clinic will be held Saturdays beginning Sept. 15 in Morgan Park located at 515 Millers Run Road in South Fayette. The class for beginners starts at 8:30 a.m. Intermediate and advanced players follow at 9:30.
Ages 16 and older are eligible. Fee is $80 for the four-week clinic.
A one-day introduction class will be held Sept. 8 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Fee is $15 per person.
Pre-registration is required. Visit or call 412-221-8700 x217.
BP reunion
The Bethel High School Class of 1955 is planning a lunch on Sep. 27 at noon at The South Park Club House, Brownsville Road, South Park.
For further information and to register, email or call 412-257-2727.
Fabus run set
The Joey Fabus 5K run and 1K walk will be held at 9 a.m. Sept. 16 at Bethel Park High School. Fee is $25 for runners and $15 for walkers. Visit @JoeyFabus5K on Facebook or to register.
The event raises funds for research and to find a cure for DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma) from which Joey died. As an 8-year-old boy he was diagnosed with the disease in May 2014 and died of an inoperable brain tumor Jan. 21, 2015.
The Joey Fabus Childhood Cancer Foundation has been formed in his honor to help bring awareness and funding to find a cure for DIPG.
Bowlers wanted
Women bowlers are needed for a league that will compete Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. beginning Aug. 29 at the Mt. Lebanon Lanes, located on Route 19 near Connor Road. Fee is $12 per week. There is also 50/50 raffles for offset costs for a year-end banquet. All skill levels and all ages can join. Call 412-831-6361 or 724-746-4944 for more details.
Hockey sign-ups
Registration for the Mt. Lebanon Hockey School and Fall Development League is being accepted online at or by calling 412-561-4363. Fee is $112 for the seven-week programs, which begin Sept. 13.
Ages 4-12 are eligible for the hockey school which offers new and innovated concepts based on the philosophy that hockey should be fun. All ability levels can participate and learn the skills of the game in a progressive, non-pressure atmosphere. Classes are small and taught by P.S.A. Skating Professionals and certified USA Hockey Instructors. Weekly scrimmages are featured.
The developmental program is a noncompetitive and “no-check” league. Equal ice time is guaranteed. To insure balanced teams, registration is accepted on an individual basis, with each player rating himself/herself. Full equipment is required.