BP Rotary’s pasta dinner raises funds for spelling bee

Eat great food from Pasta Two, Armstrong’s and Bethel Bakery while helping to provide financial support to others from here to Africa at The Rotary Club of Bethel Park’s annual spaghetti dinner “Eat Pasta, Make a Difference,” to be held Oct. 13, at Bethel Park Community Center, 5151 Park Ave. Eat-in from 2 to 7 p.m. Drive through times are from noon to 7. There will be a raffle with a prize of $1,000 and a silent auction with prizes available as well. Full meal tickets, including dessert, are $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 4-10. Tickets can be purchased by calling 412-855-4633 or at the door. Businesses can order meals for their employees (10 minimum) to be delivered between noon and 1:30 p.m. Call 412-608-2672 to order business deliveries. For more information, call 412-855-4633. One hundred percent of the profit will go toward providing scholarships to local high school seniors, dictionaries and a spelling bee for third-graders, help to AIDS orphaned girls in Kenya, and more. Pictured at BP Rotary’s spelling bee are, from left: (front row) First Place – Neha Adhikari, Second Place – Lillian Graff, and Third Place – Michael Hladio; (back row) Elizabeth Wells, Bethel Park School District Director of Curriculum, and Bonnie Pierce from Rotary Club of Bethel Park.