Rizza – 100 years

Concordia of the South Hills resident Anne Pelc Rizza celebrated her 100th birthday on Sept. 16.
Anne lived in Brookline in her family home since the 1960s before coming to Concordia three years ago.
Born in Southside, Anne married James Rizza and they had eight children – Joann Williams, James Jr.; Richard, who passed away two and a half years ago; Geri Nobile, Rose Tmassi, Bernard, Paul and Robert. Her husband has been deceased for 13 years.
In addition to being a wife and mother of eight, she was a waitress and also worked in sales.
Her favorite things besides cleaning, cooking and taking care of her children and husband included playing Scrabble and cards with her sister and taking the bus to have her hair done, and shop.
According to her daughter Geri, she was quiet and lived a simple life but kept all of them in line.
Her advice for longevity: “Never say a bad word about others and no cussing or swearing!”