sports briefs–MUST first two items
P3R volleyball
Tryouts for P3R Volleyball Club begin Oct. 27 for girls in grades 5-8 and Nov. 10 for grades 9-12 at Bethel Park High School.
P3R develops players and teams to compete at the regional and national levels with some of the areas top volleyball coaches.
Visit to register or for more information.
Water polo
The South Hills Water Polo Clinic will be held Oct. 26 at Mt. Lebanon High School indoor pool. Ages 12 and under meet from noon to 1 p.m. Ages 13 and up attend from 1-2:30 p.m.
Fees are $10 for the first session and $20 for the second. To purchase a junior ball, fee is an additional $15.
Participants must be able to swim a full length of the pool. Bathing suit, goggles and a towel are needed.
Email: for more details.
Lebo hockey school
Registration for the Mt. Lebanon Hockey School is being accepted online at or at the ice center. School starts Nov. 5.
Classes are held Tuesdays from 6:40-7:20 p.m. for Level 1 and 7:20-8 p.m. for Levels 1 and 2 as well as Thursdays from 7-7:40 p.m. for Levels 1 and 2 and from 7:40-8:20 p.m. for Levels 3, 4 and 5. Ages 4-12 are eligible.
The hockey school enables players with all ability levels to participate and learn the skills of the game in a progressive, nonpressure atmosphere.
Classes are small and taught by P.S.A. skating professionals and certified USA Hockey instructors. Fee is $102 per skater.
Call 412-561-4363 for more details.
Development hockey
Registration is being accepted online at or at the ice center for the Mt. Lebanon Developmental Hockey League. Fee is $102 per skater.
Ages 5-8 meet Fridays at either 6-7 p.m. or 7-8 p.m. Ages 9-12 play Fridays 8 to 9 p.m. Full equipment is required for this noncompetitive and “no-check” league. Equal ice time is guaranteed and to insure balanced teams, registration is on an individual basis and players are asked to rate themselves.
Call 412-561-4363 for more details.