Library Events: Oct. 27
Mt. Lebanon
• “How to Take Better Photos with your DSLR,” 7 p.m. Nov. 14, 21
Members of the Photo Section Photography Club will teach this four-week course is for beginner/intermediate level photographers. The class will cover the basics from setting up the camera and aperture, shutter and ISO to choosing the right lens filters and flash options.
There is a $10 fee and payment is due in advance. Attendees must register in person at the circulation desk.
• “Morbidity & Mortality: Eight Must Reads for Our Time,” 10 a.m. Nov. 1, 8 and 15.
Abby Mendelson will present the series about death: our greatest mystery and greatest fear. Find out how to see or supervise the end of life’s journey with sense and dignity by reading all or part of eight first-rate writers who have dealt with death. Register at the library or at