
What’s Happening Sept. 29

9 min read

Bethel Woman’s Club to Meet

The October meeting for the Bethel Woman’s Club will be held Oct. 16 at the South Hills Elks Lodge, 2789 South Park Road, Bethel Park. There will be a social gathering at 11:30 with lunch served at noon. Information on reservations can be found by calling Pat, 412-831-1861. Checks for the luncheon must be received no later than Oct. 11. The featured speaker for this meeting will be a representative from Meals on Wheels which has been identified as our charity for the 2019-20 year. All South Hills women are invited to attend. Sarris candy bars will be available with profits benefiting both Meals on Wheels and SHIM. We look forward to seeing you there.

Woman’s club to meet

The Ruthfred Acres Woman’s Club will meet at 6 p.m. Oct. 8 at Cannon’s Chophouse, Southepointe. The evening will begin with dinner and be followed with a program by Ron Elder, Environmentalist, entitled “All About Climate Change.” For more information on the program and membership in the Club, please call Pat at 412-833-3034.

Seeking Women Veterans

Are you a woman who has served in the any branch of the US Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard? The Women’s Army Corp Veterans’ Association — Army Women United in Pittsburgh Keystone Chapter 120 currently has members of both Army, Navy and Air Force, and welcome veterans to join them. The next meeting is at 11 a.m. Oct. 12 at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, Pittsburgh for both Chapter business and a social gathering. For information on the meetings or to arrange for ride sharing from the South Hills, contact Chris, 412.833.1452.

Italian Heritage Day to be held

The Smithsonian-affiliated Senator John Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh will kick off Italian Heritage Month with its sixth annual Italian Heritage Day on Sunday, Oct. 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Italian Heritage Day will feature an Italian American Bazaar in the History Center’s fifth-floor Mueller Center featuring live entertainment, local heritage groups, and Italian food prepared by Common Plea Catering (available for purchase). All children ages 17 and under will receive free admission to the History Center. Regular admission rates apply for adults.

BPHS reunion

Bethel Park High School Class of 1955 is having a reunion at Panera’s at South Park Shops at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 16. For more information, call Lynne Johnson at 412-257-2727.

Adult Interest Center

The Adult Interest Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church, 799 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon, began its 45th year of operation in September. The center, which is open to people ages 55 and older, meets at 11 a.m. Fridays in the church’s fellowship hall. Entertainment is featured, with an optional catered lunch for $7.

The schedule includes:

Fitness for 55-plus

Fitness classes for adults 55 and older are scheduled at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Upper St. Clair:

Strong Bodies – Strong Bones, 9 to 9:50 a.m. Wednesdays through Dec. 18. Cost is $65;

Gentle yoga, 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Mondays and 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays, through Oct. 30. Cost is $63;

Arthritis Foundation exercise, 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. Mondays and 10 to 10:50 a.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 28 through Dec. 18. Cost is $40 for Mondays and $35 for Wednesdays;

Tai chi, 11:15 to noon Wednesdays through Dec. 18. Cost is $65.

For more information, visit or call 412-835-6630, extension 200.

Grief support

The GriefShare support group meets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Dec. 19, at the Bible Chapel, 300 Gallery Drive, Peters Township.

Craft Show

There will be a craft and vendor show with 35 vendors benefiting the Family Promise group on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Benedict the Abbot Church in Peters Township in the Pope Benedict Activity Center. The funds raised by the event will help pay for gas for their van that transports the families, purchase items for their breakfast food pantry and diapers for the children. Mark your calendar and make plans to come. Bring your family and friends to shop and have lunch. There will be hot food including pierogies for purchase or to take home for $8 a dozen. They can also be pre-ordered by Oct. 18.

Support series

The St. Bernard/Our Lady of Grace Parish partners in Mt. Lebanon/Scott/Dormont will conduct a bereavement support series for those who have experienced he loss of a loved one in recent months or years.

The sessions are free, open to the public and provide a safe space to talk with others who are grieving. The group will be facilitated by Paula Elliott and held at St. Bernard Church, Fontenay Center, 311 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon.

The group will meet on various Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., including Oct. 9 and 23, and Nov. 6 and 20. For more information and to preregister, call Tisha Bridges at St. Bernard Church at 412-440-2681 or Paul Elliott at 412-279-6560.

Civic engagement classes

Allegheny County Library Association and PublicSource will host a series of ‘Citizen Toolkit’ classes in libraries through September, October and November as part of a broader role libraries are playing within our communities. ‘Fake News and Information Literacy Workshops’ and ‘Power of the Pen: Getting public attention on your issues’ stem from ACLA’s recent $250,000 PA Department of Education grant focused on civic literacy and engagement throughout Allegheny County.

The courses will be held locally on the following dates and times:

3:30 p.m., Oct. 21 – Mt. Lebanon Public Library (teen);

7 p.m., Oct. 23 – Community Library of Castle Shannon.

Adult dance classes

The School of Dance of Bethel Park is offering an adults class – Keep Movin’ and Let’s Dance for fun and fitness.

Fall classes in Tap and Jazz will begin Oct. 14 with Joyce and Donna at Miss Beverly’s.

For more information, call or text 724-344-7910 or e-mail

Craft show

South Park Women’s Club has moved its craft show from the Home Economics Building in South Park to a new location this year. The organization’s 26th annual craft show will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 12 at Broughton Volunteer Fire Hall, Cochran Mill Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 in South Park Township.

Many new crafters will be in attendance. More than 50 crafters will display their work at this show. There will be a 50/50 raffle, Chinese auction, bake good sale and delicious lunch items for available for purchase. All the great crafts on display are available for purchase. Let our crafters help you to start your holiday shopping. Admission is free.

Bowling fundraiser

Horses with Hope, Inc. is holding its annual Bowling Fundraiser from 12-3 p.m. Oct. 27. at Meadows Lanes Bowling, 210 Racetrack Road, North Strabane. The cost to attend the fundraiser is $30 per person or $150 for a lane of 6 bowlers. Included in the entry fee is food, refreshments and bowling. A silent auction and 50/50 raffles will be available. The deadline to make a reservation is Oct. 18. For more information, contact Joanne Slappo at 412-576-4154,

Autumn Food Fair

Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church Ladies Philoptochos Society will host an Autumn Food Fair, from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Oct. 2-4 in the community center at 123 Gilkeson Road, Mt. Lebanon. The profits support the philanthropic efforts of the society. A menu of traditional Greek favorites will be served, including gyros, spanakopita, moussaka, pastitsio and many others. Fall favorites of homemade soups, chicken rolls and beef stifado will also be available along with a bake sale of homemade pastries and our Greek popular desserts of koulourakia, baklava, rice pudding, galatobouriko and others. Take-out is available.

For more information, visit

Disabilities awareness mass

St. Louise De Marillac will be holding a Disabilities Awareness mass at 10 a.m. Oct. 20 with refreshments to follow at LeGras Hall. Individuals from the community are welcome to attend, especially those with disabilities, their families and friends. Volunteers with disabilities are encouraged to volunteer to act as greeters, lectors and gift bearers. To volunteer as a lector or gift bearer, contact Nancy Beaver at To volunteer as a greeter, contact Haley Tutino at

Rose Society to hold meeting

The Pittsburgh Rose Society will be holding a meeting at 1 p.m. Oct. 5, at Mt. Lebanon Public Library, 16 Castle Shannon Blvd. The topic of the meeting is “Growing Old Garden Roses in Colder Climates” presented by David McKibben, American Rose Society Consulting Master Rosarian.

David will define what the term “Old Garden Roses” means as well as explaining why they are so mysterious. He will also explain how they are grown, what is the good and bad of their performance and where to buy them.

As part of the program a review of proper winterizing techniques for all classes of roses will be discussed.

This meeting is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. For further information and directions, visit


Bethel Park

Bethel Park Public Library will host the following programs:

• A Dumbledore’s Army event will be held at 2 p.m. Oct. 27 and Nov. 24. We solemnly swear to discuss favorite Harry Potter books and movies while either crafting, playing games, watching a movie, or anything else we think up relating to the wizarding world. This event is intended for grades seven and up. To register, call 412-835-2207.

• Writing 101 will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 1. Writing is an essential skill, no matter what path you choose in life. In this class, presented by Omega Learning, students will be introduced to skills needed to develop and organize paragraphs and essays. This class offers training in grammar, sentence building, correct usage and punctuation. This class is intended for grades seven and up. To register, call 412-835-2207.

• How to buy or sell a house, presented by Bernie Carney from Coldwell Banker and Guaranteed Rate Affinity, will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 1. Are you thinking about selling and downsizing your home? Perhaps you’re dreaming of buying for the first time? Join Us. To register, call 412-835-2207.

• Toddler Tuesdays will be held Tuesdays until Oct. 22 at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. This engaging class uses stories, songs, and various activities to foster early literacy skills in young children. For 2- and- 3-year-olds with a caregiver. No registration necessary.


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