Wildlife Photography topic of Lensshooters February meeting
Local photographer, Dave Tauch to speak on “Wildlife Photography” at the February 12th general meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Lensshooters Camera Club at 7:15PM in the Peters Township Public Library in McMurray. For many years most of Dave Tauch’s photography was landscapes, grandkids, trips, etc. But about 15 years ago he and his wife moved to a housing plan that sits on a 44 acre lake. There were so many varieties of wildlife, literally right in his back yard, that he could not help but start photographing them. About 2 years ago, Dave went on a Tamron sponsored photo shoot at The Wilds Safari Park near Cumberland, OH. During the photo shoot, Tamron allowed Dave and others to borrow different lenses to try out. Dave got hooked on and he invested in a Tamron 150-600mm zoom lens which now allows him to get much closer to his subjects. Dave’s wildlife photography is still a work in progress and he is learning daily.
The meeting is open to the public.