Be Local – coronavirus and local businesses

Editor’s note: This is a weekly series focusing on the importance of buying local.
The coronavirus is having an impact on local businesses.
But, what impact the virus ultimately will have on the local economy is unknown.
Local chambers of commerce are urging area businesses to be prepared for disruptions and to take precautions to protect employees and customers from harm.
Jeff Kotula, president of Washington County Chamber of Commerce, said the organization wants to be a resource for its members and their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kotula said the chamber has been providing information and guidance from public health authorities and business assistance programs such as the Small Business Administration to assist businesses and companies during what he described as “extraordinary times.”
“There is no question that the situation we are confronting is unprecedented and impacts business across industries,” said Kotula.
He said many local businesses addressed the challenge by allowing flexible hours for employees, implementing remote or work-from-home options and adapting to the guidelines from health offices.
The chamber of commerce is calling for community members for support of local businesses when they can – through the purchase of gift cards, for example.
“But, it is equally important that we support these businesses, especially local businesses, by giving them our business as much as we can,” said Kotula.
Those interested in joining the Be Local Network can contact Chris Slota at 724-225-1326 or by email at Discount cards are available at the Observer-Reporter and Almanac office, 122 S. Main St., Washington.